so my actual bday isnt until next week but this weekend was a bday weekend nonetheless. the festivities began early friday afternoon as i took a half day so i could relax a little before my spa appts. went to
bliss at 5 for my 'zilian and then met the aim at
denovo for a 6pm chocolate body wrap. first ever massage. first ever wrap. this was definitely something ive been looking forward to since the aim mentioned my spaweek gift a few weeks ago. ooh. and the aim got me more chocolate goodies. i think i may try the gourmet hot chocolate mix tonight. yum! the body wrap was an experience. it was like a mini massage and ended with a heated wrap. supposedly helps tighten up and lose a few inches. hmm. dont know if i left looking any slimmer but my skin was super soft and smelled very chocolately. hot bod. now where are the hot boys?
after my spa adventure, i went home and was just in time to catch up on the newest
degrassi. spoiler alert (for my three readers who are non degrassi fans): liberty is pregnant. man. even though the show kinda recycles story lines from its original series, it still seems so fresh and groundbreaking and of course,
intense! it goes there. it totally goes there.
so saturday was
party day! got to jillers around 7 to get my dinner and smoke on. had a
blazin' (its my bday. im allowed to be cheesy) time before heading down to the bar for the (what comes before part b?) part(A)y.
remember my favorite reason why i throw these parties? the
surprise guests. well, this party had the best surprise guest of all time. ever. it literally brought me to tears. thats how 'the best' it is. tear enducing. i walked into the bar with glieb and her bf perry and literally screamed out loud when i saw jennie sitting at the table right in front of me. ive been friends with jennie since 8th grade. i remember exactly how we met. gym class. we started talking about
waynes world. i walked home from school that day repeating her phone number so i wouldnt forget it (why i didnt just write it down still boggles me. i mustve been lazy, or stupid or both. my guess is both.) called her as soon as i got home and every day after that had at least 3 hour long calls with her. we were pretty close. as time went by, we grew further apart. time does that sometimes. but we have always stayed in touch. jiller and i were even wondering if she would show up. we both said probably not since we know the girl loathes the city. so when i saw her at the party, i was so shocked and happy i literally started to tear. seriously, best start to a party ever.
the guests started rolling in, eating the lovely cake joinaclub made for the occasion. the compliments were flying left and right: about jos cake, my fab/yet slightly drunk appearance, and very supporting comments about my crazy writing from my 3 amazing friends who are the only readers of this site. oh, jill r would be so proud. the party was fun and i felt like a cool party animal. oh yeah. the pics are below.
the bday weekend didnt end with the party. oh no. my brosef rich is the best kid ever so we celebrated his big 1-6 with a crazy lunch at
bubba gumps and shopping in the city. the
pseudo brosef mike also came along for the ride. he definitely had a buggin' time with the human statue in the time square subway station and basically every little trip we took today. it was pretty awesome.
this weekend was pretty cool. even though there were a few but very noticeable absences at the party (hope youre feeling better gayliestar!), all in all this weekend was pretty kickass. got my spa on, got my degrassi fix, partied like rock star, had a fun shopping day in the city and ended it with a spanking new ep of
greys. the best part of this weekend is how this weekend made me feel. like a kickass person. even though im (almost) 25 and i still live with my parents,
and i still have no boyfriend (as a luxury not a necessity), im pretty awesome. why? because kickass people love me. spanks for the memories skanks!
october babies/bffs: me and jiller

aim, t.a. and adam

a pseudo hs reunion
(clockwise from top left: mahlah, me, eddie man, jamie, skinny mel, erin t, jiller, miae)

bday queen and party animal!