vacation and vacation. it was everything i expected but totally not what i thought it would be (in a good way) all at the same time. i didnt do much at all but learned a lot about myself throughout the vacay. i realized, that i dont hate all people. heck, jamie and i made friends with people i least wouldve thought i would even talk to: the old people and little kids. jamie predicted it would be a big jill r sess with pina coladas instead of kleenex. i didnt bitch too much throughout the trip (minus the bd over the lighter sitch at the end but that i will get to later) and realized that having a "i dont give a f*$%" attitude is actually kinda refreshing. since its sunday night and ive got a long ass day of work ahead of me, im just gonna do my best to cram in all the fun pics and quotes weve accumulated during our "spring break '06" trip in paradise island.
after two flights (yeah man, we had to transfer in ohio), we finally made it to our resort. we quickly changed into our bathing suits and headed to the beach.

after catching some late afternoon rays, jamie and i decided to spend our first night exploring the ginormous, luxurious, ridonculousness that is called the atlantis.

we went back to the paradise island harbor resort early so we could catch the early bird breakfast and dibs on the best chairs by the pool the next morning. oh yeah, we also had to watch our sunday night shows. just 'cause we're on vacation doesnt mean our television viewing schedule gets compromised. no siree bob.
special mention quote #1:jamie: see how therapy helps tony.after seeing tony tell dr melfi that just because vitos gay doesnt mean hes a bad person.
once sopranos ended, we turned to abc to watch the latest greys only to find out that they were showing a sneak peek of their new show "what about brian." i started to give jamie a mini synopsis of this show when she snapped back telling me she already knew what this was about.
special mention quote #2:jamie: i think i caught up with pop culture just by reading all those magazines today.while jamie was getting an overload of pop culture, i was going through withdrawal. 1st full day without my internet. without my goss sites. it was pretty brutal.
woke up earlier than i do for work to grab some breakfast and the best poolside chairs we could find. after soaking in some carribean rays for a few hours, the special mention quotes (or puns is more like it) just started flowing like irish coladas. yummy:)
special mention quote #3:
jamie: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

special mention quote #4:
cassie: its water under the bridge

after a full day of tanning like its our job (8am - 5pm) we decided to eat up, drink up at the hotel and then leave paradise island for nassau and get our dance on at waterloo.

even though i look kinda sausage-y in this pic, me and jamie were hot bitches that night. we were the first on the empty dance floor but empty the floor did not stay for long. and guess what? we didnt stay that long either. we quickly realized the last time we were here, we were still in high school and most of the people who were there still
are in high school. jeepers.
went back to our hotel room did what we like best. watch tv. the food network. good eats.
special mention quote #5:
cheetos expert!
jamie and i decided to get away from our usual poolside spot and explored the harbor view of our hotel.

we knew we had to take it easy (because our other days have been so strenuous) because tonight was gonna be a fun night. dinner at the hotels harbor view restaurant (i had the coconut shrimp, jamie had the spare ribs: for the fatties who wanna know), idol idol idol, and then karaoke in the hotel lobby.

i was very happy with aces perf. actually, everyone that night just dazzled. seriously, best ep of idol yet. the only dud was kellie "i butchered it" pickler. i never wouldve thought not being able to vote could be so torturous. but it was. to not be able to help out with aces fate. tor-ture!

i have a lot more pics of jamie running the karaoke in the hotel lobby but they re all just as blurry as this one. let me just give you the recap of the night. jamie and i met "future selves" and also the our most favorite jewish poppy from staten island, joel. we're his bubulahs! jamies future self was a lady who ran just as fast as jamie for the song books and actually sang the first song. my future self was a bad ass mom from long beach fully equipped with a special mention quote:
special mention quote #6:
i hate elvis. i hate the beatles. i hate grease.
obviously, since this is karaoke, jamie didnt just sing one song. homegirl had to do her signature solo (madonnas like a virgin) followed by countless others which produced the next special mention quote of the night:
special mention quote #7:
blonde teens that somewhat resemble kellie pickler: are you a singer?
seriously asked to jamie after she sang a song
no matter where in the world we go, new yorkers stick out like sore thumbs and are proud of it. joel, with his camera rolling, gathered all the new yorkers to do a sinatra new york new york song and kickline. then jamie blurted out a quote that showed our true age:
special mention quote #8:
jamie: i think i pulled something in my neck.
last full day of vacay. had to get as much color as possible. jamie and i took our last photos by the beach.

after lunch, i took a good look at myself and realized this pocahontas tone that my skin had was enough for me so i headed back to the room to start packing and left jamie to nap by the pool. oh yeah, she was also almost killed by a huge piece of a palm tree falling 2 inches away from her head. that was pretty awesome. i knew the last thing i would have to pack for jamie would be the one thing she wore every night in our frigid hotel room.

the damn hunter sweatshirt!
as this was our last night on paradise island, we decided to go back to the atlantis and take in their pretty sights as well.
special mention quote #8:
atlantis employee (photog of pic above): are you sisters?cassie: yes, we look so much alike.
we decided that since we didnt spend a penny on our meals or drinks (gotta love all inclusive plans) we could splurge on our last dinner in paradise. our choice, the early bird dinner (5:30 man) at the famed nobu.

we ended our expensive meal with this delish dessert, the bento box. green tea ice cream accompanied by a chocolate souflee with a hot fudge center. mmmmmmmmmmmmm!
we headed back to our hotel as soon as we finished our meal so we could watch the results of idol. we also have a newfound love for rod stewart. hes just kickass. anyway, after we found out who was in the bottom three, our hearts sank :(

alas, we had to bid adieu to our dear sweet ace. and our dear sweet hairy pace too. i literally cried. ask jamie, tears streamed down my face.
to get our spirits back up, we decided to take a few more silly pics by the hotel.

after the picture taking, jamie and i went back to the lobby because the dj was supposed to play hits from the '70s, '80s and '90s. to our dismay, he just played bad reggae from the '00s but jamie and i
did get to give a little couples therapy to a jersey girl who seriously needs to leave her abusive trashy boyfriend.
special mention quote #9:jersey girl: you guys have had boyfriends before, right?THURSDAY
last day. jamie woke up complaining she wasnt in any (sunburn) pain.
special mention quote #10:
cassie: pain does not equal color!

all in all, i think this was a great vacation. i got to relax and get some sun, i still kept up with my shows (aka idol) and had some nightlife too (one night at waterloo was enough for me). the only thing i could possibly think was missing was a little booty. but hey man, id rather come home with no play than have one crazy night and statutory rape on my record. besides, i still came home with the one thing wanted the most: darker freckles!