brit picked the wrong baby daddy
it all hit me this weekend. ive read all the stories of her marriage and pregnancy and all but it didnt really really hit me until i saw some special on e! about sexy bachelors in hollywood - which is every male without and with a ring on their fingers.
so the segment on jtim comes on and there are clips of his sexiness, blah blah blah. then the past relationships come up and there he is with the brit. with all this k-fed nonsense, you almost forget who she coulda had her kids with:
wouldve made the most beautiful pop star babies! hot hot hot and talented too - if the kiddies got justins music genes and brits dance moves. was screwin' wade really worth losing this? who am i kidding? i wouldve slept with mr. robson too. hes HOT!!!
i know that justin wanted to eventually get back together with the brit. he just wanted her to suffer a little for cheating on him but now, he aint taking back no tainted ho. ok, so she got married - twice - but that you can get rid of. kids. kids stay forever. brit has ruined her chances of getting back with the best thing thats ever happened to her by getting knocked up by a poor money hungry rat bastard:
a. therapy or
b. drug habits - you know the kids gonna be addicted to something.
oh brit. lets take a look at wade again and see if it was worth the path that you are now on:
probably not but i still wouldve slept with him anyway. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm wade ;)
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