abc finales
yesterday was jam packed with errands, drama, traffic, parties, and ended with two big finales that i actually stayed up to watch. i started my day off with a nice sweat at the second to last hip hop class with the jiller and joinaclub. then, we did some last minute shopping for graduation gifts and headed back home. of course, my mother calls all panicky about no one answering the phone at home and my brosefs cell phone. so the ride home was a stressful one as joinaclub dialed endlessly and i drove in massive traffic. of course as we rushed to the front door, my brosef was sitting in front of his computer - oblivious to the panic and enormous worrying we just went through. ive got a great fam. so i rushed into the shower, got all pretty and went to jordys for her graduation party. congrats to jord. after all those events, youd think id be exhausted but alas, i actually stayed up for not one but two finales! (i also bought new sheets and washed and put them on my bed! that is time and energy consuming too you know.)
our questions were answered about mary alice. finally got to see the whole secret shes been hiding. it was almost surreal as i watched it. am i really seeing what we've been trying to put together for months? i think im most surprised about not being disappointed. that zach/dana is a loonie one. i like it. the cliffhanger could have been more hanging though. a good finale leaves you at the edge of your seat, filled with so much excitement that you feel like youre gonna explode if you dont see what happens next right away. yeah. no explosions for me last night. so mike delfino walked into his house with a scared susan and crazy armed zach waiting for him. big whoop. i wasnt at the edge of my seat. wasnt even leaning forward.
ridiculous. and whats with the new lady moving in. of course i read up on reviews of the finale and all i kept hearing was the new character is gonna be the next big mystery for the new season. we'll get a glimpse of her storyline in the finale. riiight. all we know about her is that she bought a house on wisteria lane without even looking at it. crazier things have happened.
i am however looking forward to lynettes chance to get back into the workfield. ha. to see tom with the kids should be very very interesting. maybe edie will come over to help and a new affair will begin. ooh, the ideas that pop into my head.
so in the words of the thighmaster, peace the fork out rex van de kamp. doesnt that always happen. just when things were going ok between him and bree, he croaks. so sad. i guess thats one more thing to look forward to next season - bree dealing with widowdom.
after watching desperate, how could i not stay up one more hour for
i even surprised myself for staying up and watching this (my bed with the new and very very soft and comfy sheets were calling my name) but how can i say no to drama in the or. ive never been an er fan so i never wouldve thought id like greys but ive caught an episode before and actually enjoyed it. i dont remember much of the ep but the super crazy surprise ending was something the spederline fetus couldve predicted from brits womb. so dr derek (ronald "you shit on my house" miller) shepard is married. big whoop. men cheat. hot docs cheat. tv characters cheat. in the words of the academy is: now that im grown, ive seen marriages fall to pieces. yeah. everyones seen it. greys was good. still is good. but like dh, the ending - not so good.
finales have the word "final" in it. so the ending of every finale should have a big bang. a cliff hanger (unless its a series finale, then it can close completely). so dh and greys - good shows but not good finales.
our questions were answered about mary alice. finally got to see the whole secret shes been hiding. it was almost surreal as i watched it. am i really seeing what we've been trying to put together for months? i think im most surprised about not being disappointed. that zach/dana is a loonie one. i like it. the cliffhanger could have been more hanging though. a good finale leaves you at the edge of your seat, filled with so much excitement that you feel like youre gonna explode if you dont see what happens next right away. yeah. no explosions for me last night. so mike delfino walked into his house with a scared susan and crazy armed zach waiting for him. big whoop. i wasnt at the edge of my seat. wasnt even leaning forward.
ridiculous. and whats with the new lady moving in. of course i read up on reviews of the finale and all i kept hearing was the new character is gonna be the next big mystery for the new season. we'll get a glimpse of her storyline in the finale. riiight. all we know about her is that she bought a house on wisteria lane without even looking at it. crazier things have happened.
i am however looking forward to lynettes chance to get back into the workfield. ha. to see tom with the kids should be very very interesting. maybe edie will come over to help and a new affair will begin. ooh, the ideas that pop into my head.
so in the words of the thighmaster, peace the fork out rex van de kamp. doesnt that always happen. just when things were going ok between him and bree, he croaks. so sad. i guess thats one more thing to look forward to next season - bree dealing with widowdom.
after watching desperate, how could i not stay up one more hour for
i even surprised myself for staying up and watching this (my bed with the new and very very soft and comfy sheets were calling my name) but how can i say no to drama in the or. ive never been an er fan so i never wouldve thought id like greys but ive caught an episode before and actually enjoyed it. i dont remember much of the ep but the super crazy surprise ending was something the spederline fetus couldve predicted from brits womb. so dr derek (ronald "you shit on my house" miller) shepard is married. big whoop. men cheat. hot docs cheat. tv characters cheat. in the words of the academy is: now that im grown, ive seen marriages fall to pieces. yeah. everyones seen it. greys was good. still is good. but like dh, the ending - not so good.
finales have the word "final" in it. so the ending of every finale should have a big bang. a cliff hanger (unless its a series finale, then it can close completely). so dh and greys - good shows but not good finales.
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